general Chiropody
Keeping you on your feet with routine treatments.
At Reid Podiatry, we take your foot health seriously. We offer all the usual chiropody treatments, with services overseen by knowledgeable and experienced HCPC registered podiatrists.
Conditions we treat include:
- Nails – thick, damaged, ingrown, difficult to manage, infected and painful
- Skin – hard, dry and cracked skin, calluses, corns
- Infections – verrucae with our microwave treatment
- Foot odour – sweaty, eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis
If you’re a new customer to Reid Podiatry or haven’t been in 2 years or more, we would love to welcome you to the clinic.
Call: 01889 801772
At the initial assessment, the Podiatrist will discuss a foot care plan and treat any condition that is possible to do during this appointment.
Alternatively, they will arrange a further assessment to aid diagnosis; such as biomechanics assessment or arrange for nail surgery.
General Chiropody Treatments for existing patients
General Chiropody – £46
Your toenails are cut, cleared and filed. Corns and calluses are removed with a blade and / or sanding disc as required. Heels may be filed and emollient rubbed in according to your needs. Advice is given as required.
Medical toenail cut – £39
We cut your toenails taking into consideration their shape, thickness and texture. We may use a nail drill or nail file to reduce excessive thickness and clear debris from the sides of the nails. During the treatment, we check your feet for lesions, corns and callus which may cause problems and bring this to your attention. Advice is given as necessary.
Diabetic Foot Risk Assessment Package – £65
Package of treatment to include:
General chiropody treatment
Examination of pulses with a doppler
Examination of nerve sensation with neurotip and monofilament
Examination of the skin and nails for pathology
Determination of risk status of the feet
Report to GP if required
Fungal toenail treatment – Lacuna Fenestration – £56
Micro holes are burred through the nail plate to allow for the fungicide treatment to reach and penetrate the nail bed. This treatment needs to be repeated on an 8-week basis so the clinician can re-burr the holes which become blocked with new nail and debris. The patient must commit to spraying the toenail once a day with the treatment advised. Please note it can take a year or more for the infection to grow out and the nail to be clear of infection.
Therapeutic Treatments
Thai Foot Massage – £46
Traditional Thai Foot Massage is one of the world’s oldest healing therapies dating back 2000 years.
With elements of Shiatsu, Reflexology, and Chinese massage, this treatment includes working on energetic pathways of the feet and lower legs, stimulating and opening energy channels with gentle and methodical pressure.
Techniques used in this treatment include massage, kneading and stretching. The result leaves you feeling, relaxed, balanced and calm.
The benefits of Traditional Thai Foot Massage may include:
- Assisting in relaxation
- Mobilisation of stiff joints
- Reduction of stress
- Improvement of circulation in the legs and feet
- Stimulation of lymphatic drainage
- Improvement in flexibility
Frequently Asked Questions
How often should I come to have my feet treated?
Are your clinicians fully qualified?
Our Podiatrists are all HCPC registered and attained a degree level qualification in Podiatric Medicine.
Our Foot Health Practitioners are qualified to diploma level.
Is this service private or NHS?
We offer the full range of general and specialist chiropody and podiatry treatments and services.
How can I book an appointment?
You can book an appointment online or contact the clinic on 01889 801772 to arrange an appointment with the receptionist.
You can also email us or text a request for an appointment.
Do you do home visits?
How much do you charge?
All our prices are listed under each individual service.